Definition of triphthong
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Definition of triphthong
• A triphthong is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption. For example, a careful pronunciation of the word ‘hour’ begins with a vowel quality similar to ‘ɑ:’(art) goes on to ‘ʊ’ (could)then ends in ‘ə’.(the)[ ɑ:+w + ʊ + w + ə ]
• It says /aʊə/
• Triphthong : 5 closing diphthongs with ‘ə’ added on the end.
- eɪ +[y] ə = eɪə . as in layer, player
- aɪ +[y] ə = aɪə. as in lire, fire
- ɔɪ + [y] ə = ɔɪə, as in loyal, royal
- əʊ +[w] ə = əuə, as in lower, mower
- aʊ +[w] ə = auə, as in power, hour
• A triphthong is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption. For example, a careful pronunciation of the word ‘hour’ begins with a vowel quality similar to ‘ɑ:’(art) goes on to ‘ʊ’ (could)then ends in ‘ə’.(the)[ ɑ:+w + ʊ + w + ə ]
• It says /aʊə/
• Triphthong : 5 closing diphthongs with ‘ə’ added on the end.
- eɪ +[y] ə = eɪə . as in layer, player
- aɪ +[y] ə = aɪə. as in lire, fire
- ɔɪ + [y] ə = ɔɪə, as in loyal, royal
- əʊ +[w] ə = əuə, as in lower, mower
- aʊ +[w] ə = auə, as in power, hour
A combination of three vowel sounds or letters representing together a single sound in a single syllable
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