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Short Vowel Rules

اذهب الى الأسفل

 Short Vowel Rules Empty Short Vowel Rules

مُساهمة من طرف الجمعة أبريل 11, 2014 6:32 am

Short Vowel Rule:

When there is one vowel in a word, either at the beginning or between two consonants, it usually has the short vowel sound.
1. Short vowel a words
ant       pan      wag     jam      cat       bad
ax        ran       flag      and      bat       dad
wax     van      cap       band    hat       has
can       gas       map     hand    pat       mad
fan       bag      nap      sand     rat        sad
man     tag       ham     lamp    sat        glass
2. Short vowel e words
egg      bed      test      jet        hen      fell
leg       fed       vest      met      men     hell
sled      red       west     net       pen      sell
step      nest      web     pet       ten       well
tent      rest      get       wet      bell      smell
3. Short vowel i words
dig       tip        hid       crib      sit        fill
pig       pin       kid       fist       bit        hill
wig      sin        lid        list       fit        kill
dip       tin        bib       milk     hit        pill
hip       win      fib        silk       pit        will
lip        did       rib        swim    mitt      him
4. Short vowel o words
God     hop      stop     jot        fox       cob
nod      mop     cot       not       ox        mob
pod      pop      dot       pot       box      rob
rod       top       got       rot        pox      sob
sod      drop     hot       tot        mom    pond
5. Short vowel u words
cub      gun      buzz     dug      tug       bus
tub       run       but       hug      cuff     dump
bud      sun       cut       jug       puff     hump
mud     cup      nut       mug     gum     jump
gull      pup      bug      rug       yum     pump
6. Short vowel words that end in ck
black    neck     sock     duck    quack   sick
jack      check   block   truck    snack   brick
pack     speck   clock    cluck    track    chick
sack     dock    flock    pluck   kick     quick
tack     lock     knock  stuck    lick      stick
black    rock     stuck    truck    pick     trick
2- More often if the vowel digraph"ea" is followed by  the following consonant sounds, it gives the short sound/e/
1-ea+d= dead,dread,thread,head,spread,lead,stead
6-ea+/z/=pleasant,peasant, cleanser 
3-When a, e, i, o and u are followed by several consonants and a vowel, they are 'closed' and are supposed to have a short sound, 
as in:
am, ample, ten, tender, pin, pinked, drop, droplet, bun, bunting.
4-If a stressed vowel before a single consonant and another vowel is to stay short, it is supposed to be followed by a doubled consonant:  
attitude, petty, pinnacle, dotty, bunny.
Hence: cut + er = cutter, prefer + ed = preferred, enter + ed = entered, cute + er = cuter.
5-Thousands of English words conform to this system.
Unfortunately, there are also hundreds words which break the ‘closed /short' and 'open / long’ vowel spelling method in one or more of five different ways.
1. At least 554 common words of more than one syllable break the doubling rule by
failing to double a consonant after a short, stressed vowel
(habit, very, city, body, study) .
2. Another 195 words have doubled consonants which are unrelated to keeping a stressed vowel short.
They are phonically surplus:
(accommodation, hello, immense, occur, hurrah).
3. Nearly 200 words with a short vowel end with a misleading, surplus –e:
(have, promise – cf. gave, surprise; chav, tennis).
4. Nearly 200 words have irregular spellings for the short vowels e, i and u
(bread, pretty, touch),
sometimes combined with missing doubled consonants:
(many, women; money).
5. The ‘open’ vowel method, as in 'male, mile, mole', is disobeyed by
87 words for long a (made - paid; make - break),
79 for long i (while - whilst, mime - climb)
100 for long o (mole – bowl, roll, soul)
the ‘e-e’ spelling is used in only 86 words, with different ones in 366 (eke – seek, speak, shriek).
This adds up to around 1,400 common English words that disobey the ‘open and closed’ method for spelling long and short a, e, i, o and u. - (All the words with the five different kinds of irregularities are shown further down.)
Many pupils find even grasping the basic ‘bit, bitter, bite, biting’ system difficult. The numerous exceptions leave them completely confused about the purpose of consonant doubling. Moreover, the alternative spellings for the short vowels which are more often used for other sounds (busy bus, women wove, dreamt dreams) clearly make learning to read more difficult too, not just learning to spell. The reading difficulties caused by missing double consonants are not as obvious, but they impede literacy progress too: hide, hidden – hideous. Incomprehensibly doubled consonants do so too: arrow - arrive?
Any system that has more than 1000 exceptions is not really much of a system at all. With the ‘open and closed’ method of spelling long and short vowels, the confusion that the irregularities cause is even worse, because they are connected. Abuses of one affect the other. Bringing more consistency to any of the five ways in which the ‘open and closed’ system is broken would help to strengthen this uniquely English method of spelling vowels. It took quite a while for English to be regarded as a language fit for intellectual and scientific discourse. Now that this is firmly established, it is perhaps high time for its spelling rules to be made more applicable too?
Below you can see all relatively common words affected by the 5 ways in which the 'closed/open' vowel spelling system is diluted.
1) Words of more than one syllable without doubled consonants after their short, stressed vowel (unlike 400+ words with them, e.g. cabbage, chicken, adder...).
When one-syllable words are lengthened with suffixes, consonant doubling is used consistently:
(beg – begged, beggar, begging; fat – fatten, fatty).
Cabaret, cabin, cabinet, distribute, elaborate(X2), fabulous, habit, inhabit, liberal, liberty, nebula, probable, prohibit, rebel(noun), robin, tribute.
Articulate, binoculars, crocodile, decade, decorate, document, executive, faculty, placard, recognise, record(n), ridiculous, second(n), secondary, secular, vacuum, vicar. Accurate, broccoli, hiccough, hiccup, occupy, piccolo, soccer, succulent, tobacco. Echo, mechanism. Chequered, lacquer, liquor, liquorice.
Academy, adequate, body, credit, deciduous, edible, edit, educate, federal, graduate(X2), hideous, idiot, madam, medal, medical, moderate(X2), modern, modest, pedal, pedigree, produce(n), product, radical, radish, ridicule, shadow, study, video, widow.
Café, certificate, magnificent, Pacific, profit, reference, refuge, refuse (n), significant, specific,
agony, brigand, dragon, flagon, frigate, hexagonal, jaguar, negative, regular, sugar, vigorous, wagon,
Ability, abolish, analysis, apologise, astrology, balance, bilious, calendar, celebrate, celery, chalet, civilian, colony, column, delegate(X2), deliberate(X2), delicacy, deluge, demolish, develop, element, elephant, eligible, expel, facilities, felon, galaxy, helicopter, holiday, invalid(adj), italic, knowledge, lapel, lily, melody, melon, metropolitan, military, morality, motel, olive, palace, palate, pelican, policy, polish, politics, polythene, probability, qualify, quality, reality, relative, relevant, relic, salad, salary, salmon, salon, skeleton, solemn, solid, solitary, talent, talon, telescope, theology, tolerate, valentine, valiant, valid, value, ventriloquist, vitality, volume, voluntary.
Abominable, academic, amateur, atomic, barometer, calamity, camera, camouflage, cemetery, chemical, chemistry, comedy, comet, comic, criminal, damage, democrat, dominate, domino, dynamic, economic, eliminate, emerald, emigrate, epidemic, family, famished, feminine, glamour, image, kilometre, laminate(x2), lemon, limit, memorise, memory, plumber, preliminary, premier, premise, primitive, prominent, promise, remedy, semi, similar, simile, thermometer, timid, vomit.
Aluminium, animal, anonymous, anorak, astonish, astronomy, banish, banister, benefit, canopy, cinema, clinical, conifer, continue, degenerate(x2), economy, electronic, enemy, energy, finish, granary, honest, honour, January, lieutenant, linear, manage, manor, manual, manuscript, menace, menu, mineral, minimal, minimum, minister, minute(n), monarch, monastery, monitor, monument, opinion, organic, panic, penalty, penetrate, planet, punish, senate, sinister, spaniel, spinach, strenuous, supersonic, tenor, tonic, vanish, venison, vinegar.
Capita, capital, capitol, copy, deputy, dilapidated, epic, episode, leper, opera, operate, popular, proper, property, rapid, separate(x2), tapestry, tepid, topic, tropics.
America, Arab, arable, arid, asparagus, authority, baron, beret, caramel, caravan, caricature, carol, ceremony, chariot, charity, cherish, clarity, comparative, comparison, conspiracy, coral, derelict, empirical, experiment, florist, foreign, forest, garage(UK), herald, heritage, heroin/, heroine, heron, historic, horoscope, inherent, inherited, majority, merit, minority, miracle, moral, necessarily, numerical, orange, origin, parasol, parish, peril, periscope, perish, popularity, primarily, priority, quarantine, sheriff, sincerity, spirit, sterilise, therapist, transparent, very.
Acid, adolescent, anticipated, capacity, decimal, discipline, electricity, explicit, fascinate, glacier(UK), municipal, oscillate, pacifist, participate, precipice, prosecute, publicity, recipe, simplicity, solicitor, specify, specimen, velocity; glisten, listen; convalescent, crescent.
Gratitude, aquatic, athletic, atom, baton, botany, British, catalogue, catapult, category, citizen, city, compatible, competitive, critic, critical, dedicate, diplomatic, lateral, latitude, literal, literary, magnetic, mathematics, metal, monotonous, obliterate, pathetic, petal, pity, platinum, platypus, poetic, political, satin, saturate, Saturday, Saturn, static, strategy, tetanus, veteran, yeti.
Avenue, average, cavalry, cavern, cavity, civic, civil, clever, controversy, crevice, deliver, devil, driven, eleven, equivalent, ever, evidence, given, gravity, havoc, hover, javelin, lavender, navigate, never, novice, poverty, privilege, proverb, providence, quiver, ravenous, reverend, river, rivet, savage, scavenge, seven, shiver.
Hazard, lizard, lozenge, wizard, wizened; deposit, closet, desert, designate(x2), desolate(x2), hesitate, miserable, positive, presence, present, president, prison, resident, risen, visible, visit; scissors.
56 words have irregularly spelt short vowels and missing doubled consonants:
Any, berry/bury, burial, endeavour, heaven, heavy, heifer, jealous, jeopardy, leopard, many, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready (already), steady, threaten, weapon, zealous,
busy, chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physical, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny, women,
colour, courage, cousin, covenant, cover, covet, covey, dozen, govern, honey, monetary, money, nourish, onion, oven, shovel, slovenly, somersault, stomach, thorough. Sausage. Courier.
2) Words with needlessly doubled consonants (i.e. not after a stressed short vowel; the stressed syllable is underlined). - Compare: abridge, acute, adrenalin, afar, alone...
Accompany, accomplish, accord, accordance, accordion, account, accrue, accumulate, accuse, accustom.
Address(uk). Affair, affect, affection, affectionate, affluent, afford, chauffeur, differential, diffusion, effect, efficient, effluent, effusive, giraffe, graffiti, offence, offend, offensive, official, officious, paraffin, sheriff, sufficient. Aggravate, aggressive, suggest.
Alliance, allotment, allow, allowance, allowed/aloud, ballistic, balloon, caterpillar, collage, collapse, collect, collection, collide, constellation, controlled, excellent, hello, illegal, illegible, illiterate, illuminate, illusion, illustration, installation, intellectual, jewellery, llama, marvellous, parallel, pastille, roller, satellite, swollen, tonsillitis, traveller(UK), virtually, wholly, woollen.
Accommodation, ammunition, command, commemorate, commence, commercial, commission, commit, commodities, commotion, communication, communion, community, commuter, immaculate, immediate, immense, immersion, immortal, immune, programme, programmer, recommend.
Anniversary, announce, annoy, annul, connect, Finn/fin, inn, mayonnaise, personnel, questionnaire, tyranny.
Appal, apparatus, apparent, appendix, applaud, applause, appliance, apply, appoint, appreciate, apprehensive, apprentice, approach, appropriate(x2), approve, approximate(x2), hippopotamus, opportunity, oppose, sapphire, supply, support, suppose.
Arrange, array, arrest, arrive, barricade, correct, correlation, correspond, curriculum, erratic, hurrah, interrupt, irregular, irrigation, occurrence, serrated, surrender, surreptitious, surround, terrific, torrential, verruca.
Assail, assassin, assassinate, assault, assemble, assert, assessment, assessor, assign, assist, assistant, associate(x2), assort, assume, cassette, dessert, embassy, essential, lasso, moose/mousse, necessarily, necessary, possess, possessive, possibility.
Attach, attack, attain, attempt, attend, attention, attorney, attract, attributed, battalion, cigarette, mattress, omelette, palette, silhouette.
3) Words with surplus –e endings which obscure the vowel-lengthening function of –e in words like 'define, bone, care, endure, advise, inflate, ignite, drive, save, survive'.
Destine, determine, discipline, doctrine, examine, engine, famine, feminine, genuine, heroine, imagine, iodine, intestine, jasmine, masculine, medicine, urine,
gone, shone.
Are, (cf. care, endure, mature).
Conjure, exposure, failure, figure, fissure, injure, measure, pleasure, pressure, procedure, treasure.
Adventure, agriculture, architecture, capture, caricature, creature, culture, departure, expenditure, feature, fracture, furniture, future, gesture, lecture, legislature, literature, manufacture, miniature, mixture, nature, picture, puncture, scripture, signature, structure, temperature, torture, venture, vulture.
Purchase, premise, promise, purpose. (cf. atlas, devise, propose).
Accurate, adequate, affectionate, candidate, chocolate, climate, considerate, corporate, delicate, desperate, extortionate, fortunate, frigate, illiterate, immaculate, immediate, intermediate, intricate, laureate, legitimate, obstinate, palate, passionate, pirate, private, proportionate, senate,
Composite, Definite, exquisite, favourite, granite, infinite, opposite.
In 25 words the –ate endings are used for two different words (to deliberate a deliberate act).
Advocate, alternate, appropriate, approximate, articulate, associate, certificate, co-ordinate, degenerate, delegate, deliberate, designate, desolate, dictate, duplicate, elaborate, estimate, graduate, intimate, laminate, moderate, separate, subordinate, syndicate, triplicate (cf. inflate, dilate, obliterate).
Give, forgive, have, live (cf. drive, save, alive),
abrasive, abusive, adhesive, aggressive, apprehensive, comprehensive, compulsive, conclusive, creative, cursive, decisive, defensive, depressive, derisive, detective, dismissive, divisive, effusive, elusive, evasive, excessive, exclusive, expensive, explosive, expressive, extensive, fugitive, impressive, impulsive, incisive, inclusive, initiative, intensive, invasive, massive, motive, narrative, objective, obtrusive, offensive, oppressive, passive, pensive, permissive, perspective, persuasive, possessive, productive, progressive, prospective, radioactive, repulsive, respective, responsive, selective, sensitive, subjective, submissive, subversive, successive.
4) words with irregular spellings for short /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ and /u/ - (Letters in red are redundant.)
A - (bad, cat, rang, chav) - plaid, plait, meringue, have.
E - (bed, bend) – but : Bread/bred, breadth, breast, breath, dead, deaf, dealt, death, dread, dreamt, head, health, lead(x2), leant, leapt, meant, read(x2), ream, spread, sweat, thread, threat, wealth. Breakfast, cleanliness, cleanse, endeavour, feather, heather, heaven, heavy, instead, leather, measure, stealthy, treacherous, treadmill, treasure, weather. Friend, every, said, says, Wednesday.
Some lack doubled consonants as well (c.f. jelly, teddy, penny): Berry/bury. Any, many. Jeopardy, leopard. Heifer. Jealous, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready, (already), steady, weapon, zealous.
Different in US and UK: Leisure, lieutenant [leesure/lesure, lutennant/leftennant].
I – (sit) - except: Build, built, busy, English, pretty, sieve, vineyard, women. Abyss, crypt, crystal, cyclical, cygnet, cymbals, cyst, eucalyptus, gym, hymn, hypnotise, lynch, lynx, mystery, myth, Olympics, rhythm, syllable, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, symptom, synchronise, syndicate, syndrome, synthesis, system. 35
Without doubled consonants too (unlike ‘syllable’ and ‘symmetry’):
Chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny.
O – (on spot) – irregular mainly just after w and qu: Swallow, swamp, swan, swap, waft, wand, wander, want/wont, wanton, warrant, warren, warrior, was, wash, wasp, watch, watt, wattle, what.
Quality, quadrangle, quantity, quarantine, quarry, squabble, squad, squander, squash, squat.
+ Cough, trough; laurel, sausage.
U – (up, bun) - Next to m, n , v and w, the short /u/ sound is often spelt o or o-e.
(* without doubled consonants too, e.g. money– cf. funny).
Among, Monday, money*, monger, mongrel, monk, monkey, month, mother, smother.
Comfort, company, compass, pommel/pummel, stomach*. Come, some/sum.
Front, son, ton/tonne , tongue, sponge. Done, none/nun, nothing. Honey*, onion*.
Above, cover*, covet*, covey*, covenant*, dove, glove, govern*, love, oven*, shove, shovel*, slovenly*.
Won/ one, wonder, worry. Once. Country, nourish*, young. Enough.
Not next to m, n or v: Double*, couple*, trouble*. Rough, slough(x2), tough. Brother, colour*, courage*, cousin*, dozen*, does, hiccough/hiccup, other, Southern, thorough*, touch. Blood, flood.
5) Words with irregular spellings for a-e/-ain, i-e, o-e, u-e
and lastly e-e (because it no longer uses the e-e spelling as much as it did in the 15th century).
a-e / ai - (late, hail, lain)
Ail/ale, bale/bail, male/mail, pale/pail, sale/sail, tale/tail, whale/wail,
assail, cocktail, detail, fail, hail, jail, nail, prevail, rail, retail, snail, trail, dale, female, gale, inhale, scale, stale.
Main/mane, pain/pane, plain/plane, rain/reins(reindeer)/reign, vain/vein,
Abstain, brain, chain... (in 31 words), but: Crane, lane, sane, membrane. Skein; deign, feign; campaign; champagne.
Made/maid, aid, braid, laid, paid, raid, afraid. Brake/break, stake/steak. Aim, claim, exclaim, maim, proclaim. Place/plaice. Haste, paste, taste, waste/waist; Daisy, praise, raise, raisin. Traitor, waiter. Ate/eight, bate/bait, grate/great, straight/straits, wait/weight. Fête, freight.
Faith. Halfpenny, neighbour. Able, cable, cradle, fable, gable, ladle, sabre, stable, table – (cf. label).
i-e - (bite) - except: I /eye/aye/ay, bite/bight(bay), knight/night, lite/light, mite/might, rite/right/write,
slight/sleight(trick), sight/site/cite. 13
Alight, blight, bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, frighten, lightning, mighty, tight. Height; indict.
Behind, bind, blind, find, grind, hind, kind, mind, ninth, pint, rind, wind (x2);
Bible (cf. libel), bridle, disciple, idle, rifle, stifle, trifle. Child, mild (cf. children, mildew), wild, whilst; island; climb. Eider-down, Fahrenheit, kaleidoscope. Either, neither (UK pronunciation). Choir. Resign, sign. 47
Tire/tyre, asylum, cycle, cypress, dyke, dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, hyacinth, hydrangea, hydrogen, hyena, hygrometer, hypothesis, nylon, paralyse, psychology, pylon, python, rhyme, scythe, style, thyroid, type, tyrant. 25 (85)
o - e, -o - (note, no) – quite regular in more recently imported words: Alcove, associated, chrome... video, volcano, zero. Except: Bungalow. Cocoa. Oboe. Pharaoh. Depot.
In older English words, the o-e/-o sound is spelt very unpredictably:
Approach, boast, boat, broach/brooch, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coat, coax, cockroach, croak, float, foal, foam, gloat, goal, goat, groan, load, loaf, loan, loathe, moan, oaf, oak, oath, oats, poach, road, roam, roast, shoal, soak, soap, stoat, throat, toad, toast.
Bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, old, scold, sold, solder, soldier, told. Folk, yoke/yolk. Holster.
Bolt, colt, dolt, jolt, revolt. Mould, moult, sole/soul, shoulder, smoulder.
Knoll, pole/poll, role/ roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll, swollen, holy/ wholly. Control, enrol, patrol.
Host, most, post, postal, poster. Both, gross, noble, only, sloth. Goes. Mauve.
Blown, bowl, grown, growth, known, mown, own, shown, sown/sewn, thrown, rowan.
Blow, bow(x2), crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row(x2), show, slow, snow, sow(x2), stow, throw, tow. Arrow, barrow, bellow, below, billow, burrow, elbow, fellow, follow, gallows, hollow, marrow, narrow, pillow, shadow, shallow, swallow, sorrow, sparrow, tomorrow, wallow, widow, willow, window, yellow.
Doe, floe, foe, hoe, roe, sloe, toe, woe. Oh/owe. So/sew. Dough, though. Ago, also, fro, go, hello, no. Alone, arose, bone, bony, broke, choke, chose, chosen, close, clothes, clover, code, cone, cope, cove, dole, dome, dose, doze, drone, drove, froze, frozen, grocer, grope, hole, holy, home, hope, hose, joke, lone, mole, nose, open, over, poke, pony, pope, primrose, rode, rope, rose, scope, slope, smoke, spoke, stoke, stole, stolen, stone, strode, stroke, tadpole, throne, tone, whole, woke, wove, wrote, yodel. 67 (186)
U - e, -ue – (use, tuba; cue, due) – In the stem of words, few exceptions: you/ewe/yew,
Eucalyptus, ewer, youth. Feud, feudal, neutral, pneumatic, pseudo, rheumatism. Lewd, newt, pewter, sewage, jewel, steward. Juice, nuisance, suicide, suitable, suitcase. Beauty. Nuclear. Tuesday. 26
In endings unpredictable: Cue/queue, due/dew, sue. Argue, avenue, barbecue, continue, imbue, issue, pursue, rescue, revenue, statue, subdue, tissue, value, devalue, venue, virtue.
Chew, few, Jew, knew, new, pew, spew, stew, askew, curfew, curlew, mildew, nephew.
View, interview, review. Emu, menu. 39
E - e / ea / ee ... – (deed, lead, concede, siege, conceive, police, people, key, ski ...) – the spelling of this sound is totally unpredictable.
and 48 words have 2 spellings: Bee/be, beech/beach, been/bean, beet/beat, breech/breach, cheep/cheap, creek/creak, deer/dear, discreet/discrete, eerie/eyrie, eve/eaves, feet/feat, flee/flea, freeze/frieze, jeans/genes, Greece/grease, heel/heal, hear/here, key/quay, leech/leach, leek/leak, meet/meat, need/knead, pee/pea, peace/piece, peek/peak, peel/peal, peer/pier, reed/readx2[reed/red], reek/wreak, reel/real, sealing/ceiling, seamen/semen, see/sea, seem/seam, seen/scene, serial/cereal, sheer/shear, sheikh/chic, steel/steal, sweet/suite, tee/tea, teem/team, wee/we, week/weak, wheel/weal. In UK also: geezer/geyser, leaver/lever.
Open e : Adhesive, arena, cafeteria, cedar, chameleon, Chinese, comedian, compete, complete, concrete, convene, convenient, decent, demon, equal, era, even, evil, experience, exterior, extreme, female, fever, frequent, genie, genius, hero, hyena, imperial, inferior, ingredient, intermediate, legal, legion, lenient, material, medium, mere, meteor, meter, millipede, mysterious, obedient, period, peter, polythene, precede, previous, query, recent, recess, region, relay, scheme, sequence, sequin, series, serious, serum, species, sphere, stampede, strategic, superior, supreme, swede, tedious, theme, theory, these, torpedo, trapeze, vehicle, Venus, zero. He, me, she.
Beef, beer, beetle, between, bleed, bleep, breed, breeze, career, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, creep, deed, deep, eel, exceed, feeble, feed, feel, fleece, fleet, geese, greed, green, greet, indeed, jeep, jeer, keel, keen, keep, kneel, meek, needle, peep, pioneer, preen, proceed, proceedings, proceeds, queen, queer, reef, screech, screen, seed, seek, seep, seesaw, sheep, sheet, sleek, sleep, sleet, sleeve, smithereens, sneer, sneeze, speech, speed, squeeze, steep, steeple, steer, street, succeed, sweep, sweet, teeth, teetotal, thirteen, tweed, tweezers, weed, weep, wheedle, wheeze, wildebeest.
Appeal, beacon, bead, beak, beam, beard, beast, beaver, beneath, bleach, bleak, bleat, breathe, cease, cheat, clean, clear, colleague, conceal, congeal, cream, crease, creature, deal, dean, decrease, defeat, disease, dream, dreary, each, eager, eagle, ear, ease, east, Easter, eat, fear, feast, feature, freak, gear, gleam, glean, heap, heat, heath, heathen, heave, increase, leadx2, leaf, league, lean, leap, lease, leash, least, leave, meagre, meal, mean, measles, near, neat, ordeal, peach, peat, plead, please, pleat, preach, queasy, reach, really, reap, rear, reason, release, repeat, retreat, reveal, scream, seal, sear, season, seat, sheaf, sheath, smear, sneak, speak, spear, squeak, squeal, squeamish, steam, streak, stream, teach, teak, tearx2, tease, theatre, treacle, treason, treat, treaty, veal, wean, weary, weasel, weave, wheat, wreath, year, yeast, zeal.
Open i: Albino, antique, aubergine, bikini, clementine, fatigue, guillotine, machine, magazine, margarine, marine, mosquito, plasticine, police, prestige, ravine, regime, routine, sardine, suite, tambourine, tangerine, trampoline, unique, vaseline, pizza.
Achieve, belief, believe, brief , chief, diesel, field, fiend, fierce, grief, grieve, hygienic, medieval, niece, pierce, priest, relief, relieve, shield, shriek, siege, thief, thieve, tier, wield, yield.
Caffeine, codeine, protein, seize, weir, weird, conceive /coneit, deceive /deceit, receive /receipt.
Assorted variants: People; cathedral, secret; pizza, ski, souvenir; debris.
Reviewed November 2013
Posted 1st July 2010 by Masha Bell
Labels: a-e, i-e, Irregular consonant doubling, magic e, o-e, open and closed vowels, surplus -e endings

عدد المساهمات : 91
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014

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