هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Syllabic Consonants

اذهب الى الأسفل

Syllabic Consonants Empty Syllabic Consonants

مُساهمة من طرف الأحد مايو 11, 2014 7:42 pm

Syllabic Consonants "l", "m", "n", and "ng'

 a syllabic consonant is a consonant that can form an entire syllable on its own, without any vowels. 

Ususally, a sillable contains a vowel. However, "l", "m", "n", and "ng" sometimes functions as syllables by themselves, without any accompanying vowel, using the /ḷ/, /m/, /ṇ/, /ŋ/ sounds.

Syllabic /ḷ/ and /ṇ/ typically occur in an unstressed syllable immediately following the alveolar consonants, /t/, /s/, /z/, as well as /d/.

bottle /ˈbɑ:tḷ/, cattle /ˈkætḷ/
cotton /ˈkɑ:tṇ;/, button /ˈbʌtṇ/.
listen /ˈlɪsṇ/, fasten /ˈfæsṇ/
risen /ˈrɪzṇ/, prison /ˈprɪzṇ/
saddle /ˈsædḷ/, poodle /ˈpu:dḷ/
sadden /ˈsædṇ/, burden /ˈbɚdṇ/

Syllabic /ḷ/ can also follow /st/ or plain /n/ or /nt/

pistol /ˈpɪstḷ/
tunnel /ˈtʌnḷ/
mantle /ˈmæntḷ/

The symbol /ə/ preceding the consonant "m" does not itself represent a sound. It signifies instead that the following consonant ("m") is syllabic; that is, the consonant itself forms the nucleus of a syllable that does not contain a vowel.

feudalism /ˈfju:dəˌlɪzəm/
heroism /ˈherəˌwɪzəm/

When the "–ING" suffix is added to a verb with a syllabic consonant, the syllabic consonant may either be retained as such or it simply becomes the initial consonant of the extra syllable.

Listening /ˈlɪsṇɪŋ/
going /ˈgowɪŋ/

عدد المساهمات : 91
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/04/2014

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